You've done an incredible job getting your business to where it is now. Your vision and tenacity have carried you far, but lately, it feels like you've hit a roadblock, doesn't it? You're gazing into the future, trying to visualise the end goal and the road to get there...but nothing.
Don't worry, we've all been there. The great thing is, you can break free... Freeze mode generally happens for one of two reasons;
You don’t have a clear north star to be working towards or there’s a knowledge gap on how to get from A to B. Lacking Clarity - No North Star
You’ve been building your business, learning from others, pivoting, chopping and changing as you go and all of a sudden you’re sitting there thinking... how did I get here and where the hell am I even going? You’ve sucked up so much outside influence and tried to take a hot minute to reign it back in and listen to yourself but your just lost and cannot see the wood for the trees anymore. You probably feel like giving up would be easier right now because it feels more hard work than it is worth.
Knowledge Gap
You’ve taken your business this far and now you’ve set your sights on THE BIG GOAL... problem is; you’ve no idea how to get there. You know HOW to do your job and manage the daily operation of the business but you’ve no idea how to get out the rat race you’ve put yourself in. There are so many opportunities, and so many things to implement and you don’t know where to start, what’s important or what the best choices are.
How do you get out of freeze mode?
The long and short of it?
You need to start by accepting you need help - you’re unlikely to be able to get out of this on your own. You need to decide what help you need first!
Do you need to vent to someone?
Do you need mindset support?
Do you need a routine change?
Do you just need a nap?
What knowledge are you missing?
Who has the knowledge you need?
Who can help you create a roadmap? How does Katie Sheach Consulting Help?
I am an impartial voice with a business knowledge background. I’m not a subject expert, I focus on your whole business strategy; the big picture and the how. I can tell you exactly what you need to focus on using my framework; giving you instant clarity. I can tell you exactly what experts you need so you don’t waste your precious money. I can advise on the best options and solutions so you can make quicker decisions and move forward.
You can vent to me knowing you will not get a biased response, you will get honest feedback. I’ll send you for a nap if you need one - call it a consultant's order!
Having me by your side WILL drive your business forward if you’re ready to action what you’re told.
I’m your first step to getting out of Freeze mode and moving forward.
You can start by filling out my contact form and I will be in touch!